  Черепашки-ниндзя   Вселенная  Второй мультсериал (2003 – 2009, 4Kids)  4-ый сезон (2005-2006)   Серия 03 "Sons of the Silent Age" [81] [c03s04e03, c03e081]
   22.03.2009, 19:20  
Серия 03 "Sons of the Silent Age" [81] [c03s04e03, c03e081]
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ID:	21600"Sons of the Silent Age" / "Страшный секрет"

Автор сценария: Steve Murphy
Премьера: September 24, 2005
Главный продюсер: Lloyd Goldfine
Продюсеры: Gary Richardson, Frederick U. Fierst, Al Kahn, Norman Grossfeld, Thomas Kenney
Режиссер: Roy Burdine
Сценарист: Lloyd Goldfine

Основные персонажи: Donatello (Sam Regal), Leonardo (Michael Sinterniklaas), Michelangelo (Wayne Grayson), Raphael (John Campbell)
Персонажи второго плана: April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Merwoman, Four Mermen
Местоположения и техника: River near Casey's farmhouse in Northampton, MA, Nuclear Power Plant site

Полная версия сюжета на английском языке (под спойлером):
Intro: April narrates as we open with her, Casey, and the Turtles rafting down a winding river. As the group coasts along and April muses about the nature of evolution, we see an eagle swoop down to catch what appears to be a large fish - but when the bird prepares to grasp its prey, it is caught by two large, scaly, humanoid hands. After a brief struggle, the fishy hands free the eagle.

Act 1: Open with the Turtles, April, and Casey as they set off on a rafting trip. Leonardo is still brooding in silence. The group floats down the river and passes an old nuclear power plant. Casey states that he heard that this plant is in the process of being shut down and Donatello notes that most of them aren’t safe. As our heroes continue to float past the plant, they are unaware of a group of mysterious fins in the murky water swimming by them. The camera switches to an underwater view and we see that these aren't fish - but some kind of humanoid fish-men - with big, sharp claws!

Act 2: The group has made camp for the night and they're sitting around a fire telling jokes. Leonardo is off by himself, surveying the river absent-mindedly, obviously lost in his own thoughts. April notices that her friend is still troubled and goes over to him to see what's wrong. Leonardo explains that he feels like a total failure considering how poorly their last battle with Shredder went.

Unexpectedly, a female fish person comes ashore and collapses. It’s a Merwoman, and she's not breathing! Casey and April try to perform CPR, but this is cut short as four Mermen emerge from the river and attack, thinking that our heroes are hurting the fish lady.

The Turtles must fight back to allow April and Casey time to help the Merwoman. As the Turtles battle, they are pulled into the murky water, leaving Casey and April alone with the dying Merwoman.

Suddenly, April is drawn into a trance by the Merwoman and sees the entire history of her species. This Merwoman is the last female of her kind, the four others the last males. She telepathically explains to April how her people are very long-lived - indeed, she was a child back when the Mermen were slaves of the Y’Lyntians. Eventually there was a revolt (see Episode #68) and the Y’Lyntian island sank, freeing the Mermen. The fish people spent many wonderful years living off the land, but over time, human society populated the planet, leaving little room for the fish people and thus they have been slowly dying off. The Merwoman also explains how she has been left on her own to tend the last eggs of the species, an arduous task that left her exhausted. Unfortunately she fell asleep on the shore by the nuclear power plant, and suffered deadly radiation poisoning.

Meanwhile, the Turtles continue their underwater skirmish with the four Merman. The tide of battle goes back and forth, with the TMNT finally getting the upper hand.

Back on shore, the Merwoman suddenly sits up and grasps April's temples. O'Neil is drawn further into the trance, and discovers that the eggs are in the path of the toxic waste leaking from the power plant - if something isn't done, the eggs will be destroyed, and the Merman will become extinct! With her warning told, the Merwoman collapses and dies.

Act 3: The fight beneath the waves continues - but the Mermen sense that their woman has passed and suddenly break off their attack and surface. The Mermen carry the last female of their species into the water and push her into the current. The males then solemnly swim off on their own.

April realizes that they will be the last of their kind (just like the Turtles) unless they do something to save the eggs!

The group searches the area for the places in April's vision and they approach the nuclear power plant. Don uses his equipment and discovers that the plant is leaking toxic waste directly into the river - and worse yet, a nearby dike is about to collapse, which will send all of the deadly poison into the stream. April realizes that the eggs are stored near the dike, so something will have to be done to stop it from breaking.

Act 4: With an entire species on the line, Don quickly thinks of a plan to block the contaminated water. The TMNT and Casey sneak into the plant - Casey, Raph, Leo and Mike will distract the workers, giving Donatello the chance to complete his mission. Don will redirect the explosive charges set to destroy the tower in order to have it fall into the stream, where it will hopefully dam the toxic waste.

Raph sets off the plant's alarms and the guards leave their work on the tower to find the intruders. Don enters the abandoned structure and is able to re-route the explosives. Raph, Leo, Mike and Casey make their escape - but Don isn't answering his Shell Cel. Unfortunately the brainy ninja has run into a burly worker, who attacks. Don wins the fight easily, but the explosives are about to go off! The Turtle tries to carry his foe to safety, but he's too big and heavy. With only seconds left to escape, Leonardo arrives and helps his brother carry the man to safety, just as the charges ignite and the tower collapses! Don set the explosives perfectly, and the rubble has successfully blocked off the stream full of toxic waste.

The Turtles, April, and Casey safely escape as a pickup truck pulls up. The plant's foreman is unhappy to see the collapsed tower. The worker that Don fought explains that it was a bunch of "do-gooders" up to no good and they need to chase them, but the boss replies that whoever did this has saved many lives because they successfully dammed the deadly water from going downstream. The foreman then states that they'll need to get a crew in to clean up this mess.

At the bottom of the river, the Mermen eggs hatch. The merbaby tadpoles swim away, safe from the toxic waste.

Our heroes are back on their raft, sailing into the dawn of a new day.

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Последний раз редактировалось Casey; 04.09.2017 в 18:17.
21.08.2011, 13:45
Cерия интересная.Вот только я непонял,в чём же был этот самый "Секрет",да ещё и "Страшный".Хотя,эти люди рыбы,мне чем-то по виду,напомнили тех,людей-рыб из старого мульт-сериала,которых изобрёл Доктор Палиндрос(Ну или как,то так!)
Мне,кщё интересно,как Эйприл могла общатся с этой рыбо-людиной?Почему ей появлялись эти,картинки?Вот этого я непонимаю.Но черепахи молодцы!Спасли рыбок!
21.09.2011, 17:10
palblog :: Blast from the Past #311: Re: comments on first draft of Episode 81 ("Sons of the Silent Age") :: 21.09.2011 17:09

Subj: comments on first draft of Episode 81
Date: Friday, June 25, 2004 1:57:06 PM
From: Peter Laird
To: Lloyd Goldfine


Here are my comments on Ep. 81 first draft script.

1.) Re: the following:

Gee, April, you make it sound almost... spooky."

This sounds to me more like a Mikey line than a Don line.

2.) Re: the following:

It’s just a barn owl. We got lots of them in the city, too."

This sounded a little odd to me. Is Casey referring to NYC when he says "the city"? If so, are there really a lot of barn owls in NYC? Maybe we don't need that line, and he should just say "It's just a barn owl."

3.) Re: the following:

"BACK TO April as she sort of protectively draws herself together into herself, sort of hugging herself for safety.
I feel completely naked before it.
CUT to Casey being a wise-guy.
Keep your clothes on, April. From the looks of it, they’re shutting the place down."

I'm not sure we need (or want) the "completely naked" bit. It seems redundant (April's posture is showing her feeling of vulnerability) and Casey's "Keep your clothes on" is a bit too crude. I would shorten it as follows:

"BACK TO April as she sort of protectively draws herself together into herself, sort of hugging herself for safety.
From the looks of it, they’re shutting the place down."

4.) Re: the following:

Aaargh. Aye, Donnie, ye scurvy wench... just so long as they don’t bring ‘er down into... Davie Jones’locker! Aaargh!"

Instead of "wench", how about "wretch"?

5.) Re: the following:

...oh yeah, well I got one for you. How come Utroms are always lonely?
Beats me.
SWING the camera around 180• giving us a quick glimpse of a portion of the merwoman’s body as it slips beneath the moonlit water surface.
Cuz they ain’t got no body. Get it? No body."

While this might have been an appropriate joke about that Utrom-wannabe "Krang" from the old TV show, it seems kind of weird in the current context, where the Utroms DO have bodies -- they're just not humanoid bodies. And while it is a minor point, I really don't want to give the rabid old show fans ANY encouragement to say "See! See! The Utroms ARE disembodied brains, just like Krang!"

6.) Re: the following:

Mikey! Quick – hand me my backpack – the first aid kit and my Tech Tab are in it!"

"Tech Tab"? What is this? (Never mind... I figured it out by reading further.)

7.) Re: the following:

Casey, help me turn her over and move her closer to the fire...!
Ain’t no way I’m gonna touch Miss Fishsticks...
Leonardo rushes in to help April and together they turn the merwoman face upwards, April moving close to the merwoman’s face/head."

I don't see any particular reason that Casey should be so squeamish about touching the merwoman. Maybe we should lose his line, and April should just say "Somebody help me turn her over and move her closer to the fire...!" Then Leo could step up and help her as he does here.

8.) Re: the following:

"April’s face is right over the merwoman’s, close. (NOTE that the merpeople DO NOT have gills!)"

I'm curious -- why don't the Merpeople have gills?

9.) Re: the following:

She’s been exposed to a massive dose of radiation... but it’s fading... even though it is killing her."

I wonder if this might parse better if reworded thusly:

She’s been exposed to a massive dose of radiation... but even though it’s fading, it's killing her."

10.) Re: the following:

There’s only one option. And don’t you give me any grief, Casey Jones. You’re the only other one here who knows how to administer CPR..."

I suspect that April's aside to Casey here is supposed to tie in with his "Miss Fishsticks" line (which I suggested we lose), but even more odd here is April's assertion that Casey is the only one there other than her who can perform CPR. I think that that would be something any of the Turtles could be capable of, especially Don. Anyway, I think she doesn't even have to mention it -- she just tells Casey what to do.

11.) Re: the following:

No gills, meaning she breathes air, not water. And no clothes to transmit radioactivity... shouldn’t be contagious. It’s okay to touch her... not that you’ve waited for my thumbs-up or anything..."

Is "contagious" the right term when referring to radioactivity? Something about it sounds odd to me. Perhaps if we can't determine the right word to use here, the following rewording would work:

No gills, meaning she breathes air, not water. And no clothes to transmit radioactivity... should be okay to touch her... not that you’ve waited for my thumbs-up or anything..."

12.) Re: the following:

Sure hope her heart’s in the same place as yours..."

This seems like an odd line for Raph -- it's probably more of a Don line. Also, it sounds a little odd -- who is the "yours" referring to? Casey? April? One of the other Turtles? I understand the value of the line -- that they are acting in this emergency by going on the assumption, hopefully a valid one, that resuscitation techniques which work on humans will also work on this humanoid fish person -- but maybe there is a better way to phrase it.

13.) Re: the following:

"CUT TO close-up on Casey’s hands administering one more press (manual circulation technique) to the merwoman’s chest. (If one didn’t know that Casey was trying to help the merwoman, it would appear that he was trying to hurt her.)"

Not sure if this would work, but to emphasize the idea that the mermen are mistaking what Casey is doing for hurting the merwoman instead of trying to help her, I wonder if it would be cool to start this shot of Casey doing his CPR thing in a slightly distorted fashion, with the colors a little off, then we pull back and realize that it's the scene reflected in one of those big shiny mermen eyes, and as we pull back we see that big angry merman face.

14.) Re: the following:

"WIDER, UP ANGLE looking down and across at the four Turtles facing the four mermen. None of the Turtles have withdrawn any of their weapons. And only Leonardo is making a move: lunging and tackling one of the mermen."

Is there a reason why the Turtles have not gotten their weapons out? Is this because we don't want them to too easily defeat the mermen? If so, and because it doesn't make a whole lot of sense that if they had their weapons on them they wouldn't use them to defend themselves, I would suggest that perhaps we set up this campfire scene by showing that the Turtles have set aside their weapons while they are in "relaxing mode". That way, we can avoid the whole problem.

15.) Re: the following:

Ummmmm. Eggs. Maybe we can find some wild bacon while we’re at it...
Raphael smacks Mikey on the top of his head with the hilt end of a sai.

In another context, Mike's joke would be very funny, but here it just seems gross.

16.) Re: the following:

Unfortunately, yeah. It looks like they’ve neglected to clean up anything else beyond the plant itself. Especially over this way..."

Don would say "yes" not "yeah".

17.) Re: the following:

"CUT to close on Leo, all business.
And if they die, then no more merpeople. We can’t let their species die off. We save them no matter what!
WIDER to show our gang standing around in the woods near the swamp. Don is checking out info on his Tech Tab. Raphael pulls out his sais, looking like he means business.
Not if I can help it."

I understand the meaning here, but if you read Raph's line right after Leo's, it sounds very much like he wants to PREVENT them from saving the eggs! Also, should there be a "have to" in Leo's last line, i.e. "We have to save them no matter what!"

18.) Re: the following:

We might be able to re-rig them so that they fall outwards and create a new dike, one that will block the leaking dike."

To avoid using the word "dike" twice in the same line, how about:

We might be able to re-rig them so that they fall outwards and create a new barrier, one that will block the leaking dike."


We might be able to re-rig them so that they fall outwards and create a new dike, one that will block the leak."

19.) Re: the following:

Boy, I sure hate them green enviro-mental activists.
CUT to a close-up on Mike smiling, winking and making a final comment.
Green is the word. "

Would it be funny to give Raph a line to follow Mikey's here, something like this:

"RAPH (TO MIKEY) In your case, the word is "mental".

-- Pete


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All TMNT-related images © Mirage Studios unless otherwise noted. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles® is a registered trademark of Mirage Studios; all rights reserved.
Спасибо за пост (1) от: Bdfy
28.11.2013, 13:25
Подобную расу рыболюдей можно также увидеть в Утиных историях (серия "Утки-аквалангисты").
29.11.2013, 10:02
Что то немного подзапутано. Вообще серия веет какой то загадочностью, но
вцелом неплохо. Поэтому поставлю 4/5.
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