  Черепашки-ниндзя   Вселенная  Второй мультсериал (2003 – 2009, 4Kids)  4-ый сезон (2005-2006)   Серия 10 "Dragons Rising" [88] [c03s04e10, c03e088]
   22.03.2009, 19:31  
Серия 10 "Dragons Rising" [88] [c03s04e10, c03e088]
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ID:	21614"Dragons Rising" / "Возрождение Драконов"

Автор сценария: Michael Ryan
Премьера: November 19, 2005
Главный продюсер: Lloyd Goldfine
Продюсеры: Gary Richardson, Frederick U. Fierst, Al Kahn, Norman Grossfeld, Thomas Kenney
Режиссер: Roy Burdine
Сценарист: Lloyd Goldfine

Основные персонажи: Donatello (Sam Regal), Leonardo (Michael Sinterniklaas), Michelangelo (Wayne Grayson), Raphael (John Campbell), Casey Jones
Персонажи второго плана: Hun, Purple Dragons
Местоположения и техника: Purple Dragons HQ, Purple Dragons helicopters, Purple Dragons truck convoy

Полная версия сюжета на английском языке (под спойлером):
Intro: Casey Jones narrates as we open with a truck zooming down a road. Raph and Casey are battling Hun on top of the truck. After Hun knocks Raph back towards Casey, we cut to a flashback of Casey and Hun as boys in front of a burning building. It's Casey’s father’s store, and Hun and the Purple Dragons have set fire to it. Back in the present, we see Casey launch himself towards Hun for a showdown on the top of the truck.

Act 1: Open with Raph and Casey playing poker with MAster Splinter, who handily defeats his opponents. Mikey is bagging his comic books with Klunk while Leonardo works out. Don gets a video call from April who tells him to turn on the news to check out a story about the theft of valuable equipment from Don's favorite company, Neo-Tech. With that Casey and the Turtles decide they’ll check things out.

Cut to the Purple Dragon’s HQ. Hun speaks to Ruffington via a giant vid-screen. The corrupt politician informs the Purple Dragons' leader that Neo-Tech will be delivering a new shipment of goods that night. With his hot tip, Hun decides that the Purple Dragons will be making another heist.

Casey corners a hoodlum in an alley and demands to know what the Dragons are up to. The thug refuses to talk until Leonardo grabs him by the collar and hoists him up to the top of the building and dangles him dangerously from a gargoyle. The street punk tells Leonardo where the Purple Dragons are headquartered.

The Turtles and Casey find the Dragons' HQ and stake it out. A fleet of semi-trucks pulls out of the facility. Leo tells Don to take Mike and follow them in the Battle Shell while Casey, Raph and he go inside. Once inside, the guys spot several helicopters taking off. The ninjas and Casey hi-jack a chopper and follow the Purple Dragons.

Act 2: In the sky we see a cargo plane with the Neo-Tech logo. The Purple Dragon choppers surround it, jamming the other craft's radar. Hun and his men use some skysleds to surf through the air onto the plane. Hun opens the cargo door and the gangsters enter the plane.

Leo and Raph decide to follow and strap in to some skysleds. Casey is reluctant but follows - his flying skills much less adept than the Turtles'.

Act 3: Hun and his men tranquilize the pilots and then begin attaching parachutes to various crates and pushing them out. On the ground, the truck driving Dragons wait for the boxes to land and begin loading them into their vehicles.

Leo, Raph and Casey make it safely aboard the Neo-Tech cargo plane and swiftly attack the gangsters. Hun's men are quickly ousted from the craft, leaving the giant to face our heroes alone. Casey attacks and Hun tosses him easily over his shoulder towards the open bay door. Raph acts quickly and tosses a sai, which punctures Casey's shirt and pins him to the ship's ceiling - saving his life.

Hun tosses a grenade into the cockpit which explodes, creating a deadly blaze. The plane begins to spin out of control.

Jones has a flashback, remembering the time that the Purple Dragons burnt down his father's store. Casey's dad has a bat and is going to report the crime to the police, despite the wishes of his wife and son. Casey pleads with his dad not to do it because it will endanger his life, but the elder Jones explains that sometimes you have to stand up and do what's right - even if you have to do it all alone.

Casey finds renewed energy and frees himself from Raph's sai and launches onto Hun. The two grapple and fall from the deck. Hun manages to catch the edge of the ramp, but Jones continues the struggle. Raph and Leo look on helplessly. Casey yells "Golf bag!" and then Hun loses his grasp and the two men plummet towards the ground.

Leo and Raph are now alone in the plane grasping for safe holds as the airship spirals towards the ground below.

Act 4: Raph and Leo can't find any parachutes. Leonardo wonders what Casey meant and Raph doubts that Jones would have been prepared for this kind of trouble - but they decide to check the golf bag just in case Casey was actually thinking ahead. Leonardo snags the bag and Raph searches it - much to their surprise, Casey had stored a parachute in the container! The Turtles grab it and jump out of the crashing plane - hoping that the 'chute can support both of their weight.

Meanwhile, Hun has opened his parachute and Jones is clinging to his leg. Hun kicks at Casey but he cannot dislodge his foe from his lower extremities. Soon they land on the trailer of one of the Purple Dragon trucks. Casey is left clinging to the back edge. Hun approaches and prepares to kick Jones off of the vehicle.

Before the criminal behemoth can stomp Casey, Leo and Raph zoom in on their 'chute and kick Hun, knocking him backwards. Our three heroes prepare to battle Hun on the trailer. Hun knocks Leo off the top, leaving him hanging onto the back door.

Don and Mike come zooming up in the Battle Shell. One of the Dragon's trucks rams them from behind - Donny does not take kindly to the assault and fires a missile into the cab, which explodes and sends the vehicle into a deadly spin. Leonardo jumps to safety aboard the Battle Shell.

Casey sprints right at Hun and the two clash. Jones gets the upper hand and Hun falls off the front of the trailer. The villain lands on the trailer hitch and lies helpless. Casey jumps down and grits his teeth, preparing to finish off his old foe. Hun begs for help and after a moment of doubt, Casey remembers his father's message to "do the right thing no matter what." Thus Jones helps his enemy stand up. Hun does not return the kindness and sneak attacks, knocking Casey cold for a moment.

Hun climbs onto the cab and pulls the driver out of the truck and takes his place. The villain cranks the the wheel so that the truck begins to jackknife before leaping onto another one of the Dragons' trucks.

Raph and Casey bail off the jackknifing truck’s roof and land on the Battle Shell. Hun and his goons have time enough time to escape. Leo gets really angry over their failure to stop Hun and storms off alone.

With the battle over, Casey asks the Turtles to take him to visit his father’s grave. Although they didn’t stop the Purple Dragons, Casey knows that he fought for what was right; but he didn't have to do it alone, he had good friends to help him.

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Последний раз редактировалось Casey; 04.09.2017 в 18:19.
06.06.2011, 09:31
Мне понравилась фраза Дона: Да отстань ты! и выстрелил ракетой прямо в грузовик, взорвав его!
21.08.2011, 14:05
Серия-Захватывающая!Мне очень понравилась!.Воспоминания Кейси,о Отце.Когда он вспомнил,что они сожгли магазин его Отца,Кейси был готов,разорвать Хана,но не стал!Напротив помог ему.Это доказывает,что Кейси очень добрый в душе,даже к злодеям.А,вот Хан,полный гад!Сначало "Помогите",а потом врезал Кейси!
01.10.2011, 05:42
palblog :: Blast from the Past #314: July 17, 2004 notes on a variety of things (a busy day!) :: 01.10.2011 05:40

Subj: notes on Ep. 88 premise
Date: Saturday, July 17, 2004 3:23:37 PM
From: Peter Laird
To: Lloyd Goldfine


Here are my notes on Ep. 88 premise.

1.) Re: the following:

"Don’s scanning can only go so far with the equipment he has - - but he’s recently had April order him some new, more advanced equipment. It’s been on back order for a while, but they’ve assured Don it should be arriving any day now, and once it does - - "

I think we should lose this whole bit, as it only seems to be in here to help get the Turtles and Casey involved in the Purple Dragons' heist, and raises some problematic issues. One of these is -- where did Don get the MONEY to "order" through April this "new, more advanced equipment"?

2.) Boy, somebody must REALLY like this "sky heist" idea! (It seems to be virtually identical to the one proposed for another, earlier Hun/Purple Dragons episode.) It is now SLIGHTLY more palatable and credible (given that the PD have had some time to train themselves), but it still skirts the edges of credulity. And things like Casey stuffing a parachute in his golf bag and then deploying it to save not only himself but Leo AND Raph (!!!) are just silly -- why isn't the chute just torn from the golf bag (did Casey have time to solidly attach it?) or for that matter, the golf bag from Casey's shoulder (remember, we're talking about the full weight of one big guy and two mutant turtles all dangling from ONE little strap)? And I don't think your average single parachute is rated to safely land THREE people.

2.) Re: the following:

"After the ceremony, Karai walks through the crowd to the dapperly dressed Hun. They leave the party to a private room and have a little chat. Karai is happy and surprised that Hun made it to the dedication. She’s seen the news lately and realizes he’s been busy.

Hun tells her that the city is big enough for the both of them. He’ll stay out of her way as long as she grants him the same courtesy. The conversation quickly turns to Oroku Saki. Hun cannot believe that Karai still reveres the Shredder. He was an alien slug. He can’t understand how she could have known that all this time and still served him. Even now she still serves him!

Karai silences Hun; yes, she served the Shredder. The Shredder gave her a life… he was her father! And Karai vows in his name that she will hunt down those who were responsible for destroying him and she will make them pay with their lives."

I'm sure Karai would be "surprised" that Hun made it to the dedication, but I'm not so sure about "happy". As far as I am aware, there is no love lost between the two of them. Rather than "surprised and happy", I would say "surprised and wary".
I also think this might be a good opportunity to have Karai get a little more specific about the fact that her love/loyalty to the Shredder/Oroku Saki transcends whatever physical form he had, and is more directly tied to whatever SOUL he possessed... to Karai, what he looked like was irrelevant. It might even be good to have her say something vague about hoping to someday rescue him from his imprisonment (IF that doesn't contradict anything).

-- Pete


Subj: Re: Rat King
Date: Saturday, July 17, 2004 3:25:39 PM
From: Peter Laird
To: Lloyd Goldfine

In a message dated 7/16/04 10:13:43 AM, Lloyd Goldfine writes:

Hey Pete –

I was thinking about the Rat King, and about how you used him in both City at War and the new TMNT book, and how your interpretation differs from his original appearance by Jim. I really like the Rat King as a “death’s head” kind of figure (even a delusional one), and I’ve been trying to see if there’s a way to weave him into another episode.

If have a moment, could you try and articulate your take on the guy. He’s so vaguely defined (which makes him both intriguing and problematic). How do you think he functions as a character? Why Does Splinter, who never really encountered him before in the comics, see him when near death in City of War?

If you get this early today and can respond, that would be extra helpful (but not mandatory).

Hope all is well in Northampton… have a great weekend.



I think the "vaguely defined" nature of the Rat King is one of the main reasons why I was so resistant to giving him a clear origin (i.e. as one of Bishop's experiments) -- I think it's cool to have a really mysterious character.

At the end of his first appearance in the comics (Tales # 4), it is unclear whether or not he will survive. He's been hit with shuriken and fallen from a great height into to a pit in the old factory, where he is surrounded by rats. It's ambiguous. Later , in the City at War issues, Splinter's encounter with the Rat King (a character he would surely have HEARD about from his sons after their encounter with him) was ALSO left, very deliberately, ambiguous... you were never sure -- except perhaps when you saw the leather-wrapped skeleton near the end -- whether the Rat King was really there or was just a figment of Splinter's fevered mind in his injured body.

And when I had the Rat King appear in that one panel in Splinter's death scene in Vol. 4, I was being even MORE ambiguous (if that's even possible) -- was Rat King really there? Was it his spirit? Did Splinter even see anything, or was it just his imagination? I either don't know or can't/won't tell (you pick).

My gut feeling is that he DID die in the comics, and it was either his spirit or Splinter's fevered brain (or perhaps a combination of those two things) that "brought him back" in the City at War issues. However, I prefer to leave it a mystery.

The Rat King as we are establishing him in the show, however, is a different can of worms. We know where he came from. Where he GOES is another question... one I think is wide open. And I'm open to any number of possibilities.

-- Pete


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All TMNT-related images © Mirage Studios unless otherwise noted. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles® is a registered trademark of Mirage Studios; all rights reserved.

Последний раз редактировалось Павел; 28.10.2012 в 23:16. Причина: лишнее
17.10.2011, 16:20
palblog :: Blast from the Past #321: August 13, 2004 Re: Ep. 92 outline, Ep. 93 premise, first draft of Ep. 88, and Ep. 89 first draft :: 17.10.2011 16:19

Subj: comments on the first draft of Ep. 88.
Date: Friday, August 13, 2004 1:13:50 PM
From: Peter Laird
To: Lloyd Goldfine


Here are my comments on the first draft of Ep. 88.

1.) Re: the following:

Two words and two words only … Purple Dragons."

The "tough guy" phrasing here sounds more like Raph, not Leo. I'd just have him say "Purple Dragons..."

2.) Re: the following:

Because assuredly you would simple sneak out later when my back was turned. Would you not?"

I think that should be "simply" instead of "simple".

3.) Re: the following:

"SPLINTER stands to face his sons.
Better that I simply say go … and be careful."

I can't recall any time in an earlier script when Splinter gives this kind of leave to the Turtles to go out and get into trouble, and it might be a good time to have one of them comment on it, on the idea that Splinter is starting to treat them like responsible young adults.

4.) Re: the following:

"WIDER STILL TO SHOW the very angry/determined Leonardo and Raphael with their weapons pointed right at Hun.
Yeah, you’re gonna be through …
Run through."

I know we're still doing "angry Leo", but this seems pretty explicitly brutal -- "run through" means Leo is going to shove his swords through Hun's body. Do we REALLY want to say that?

5.) Re: the following:

"Donatello is pissed and reverses the rockets on the BattleShell and …
Get off my tail!"

Minor point, but... would "shell" be better than "tail" here?

6.) Re: the following:

For you did to me and mine."

Should that be "For WHAT you did to me and mine"?

-- Pete

Последний раз редактировалось Павел; 03.11.2012 в 14:36. Причина: лишнее
22.07.2013, 01:00
Сплинтер играет с Рафом и Кейси в покер на деньги - я от них такого не ожидал.
А что касается битвы с Ханом в самолёте, то при просмотре этого эпизода мне вспоминается миссия ГТА Сан Андреас "Укромное местечко"!
25.07.2013, 17:03
Серия понравилась. И понравилась не только драками и погоней, но и тем, что она даёт нам на немного взглянуть в прошлое Кейси и открывает другие его стороны. Он показал, что у него доброе сердце, даже к таким людям как Хан. Ведь он мог просто скинуть его с грузовика и всё, но поступил иначе, так как учил его отец. А Драконы действительно стали намного круче чем прежде. Пятёрка)).
Спасибо за пост (1) от: raphaelxD
15.12.2013, 11:21
В четвертом сезоне мне почему то все больше и больше начинали нравится
Пурпурные Драконы, по сравнению с предыдущими сезонами.
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