  Черепашки-ниндзя   Вселенная  Второй мультсериал (2003 – 2009, 4Kids)  4-ый сезон (2005-2006)   Серия 26 "The Ninja Tribunal" [104] [c03s04e26, c03e104]
   23.03.2009, 07:32  
Серия 26 "The Ninja Tribunal" [104] [c03s04e26, c03e104]
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ID:	21631"The Ninja Tribunal" / "Трибунал ниндзя"

Автор сценария: Michael Ryan
Премьера: April 15, 2006
Главный продюсер: Lloyd Goldfine
Продюсеры: Gary Richardson, Frederick U. Fierst, Al Kahn, Norman Grossfeld, Thomas Kenney
Режиссер: Roy Burdine
Сценарист: Lloyd Goldfine

Основные персонажи: Donatello (Sam Regal), Leonardo (Michael Sinterniklaas), Michelangelo (Wayne Grayson), Raphael (John Campbell)
Персонажи второго плана: Master Splinter, The Ancient One, The Ninja Tribunal, Mokusei-no-Bushis
Местоположения и техника: TMNT Lair, New York City Rooftops, Ninja Tribunal Ship

Полная версия сюжета на английском языке (под спойлером):
Intro: Leonardo narrates as we open with the four Turtles on New York City rooftops where they're fighting against four Mokusei-no-Bushis (wooden ninjas). As Leo slices one in the head, his katana gets stuck. The wooden ninja steps back, pulls out the katana and his faceless head heals!

Act 1: Open as Leo and Raph move furniture around the lair while Mikey goofs off and Don rests. Donatello is feeling much better, but can’t remember anything that happened during his mutation. Don insists that he's feeling fine, so the Turtles decide they’ll go out. Soon enough the guys are on the city rooftops, But they don’t realize they’re being watched by four Mokusei-no-Bushis.

Cut back to the lair as Splinter meditates. Suddenly, a worried Ancient One enters and becomes frantic when he learns that the Turtles are gone.

Meanwhile, the Turtles are startled by movements in the shadows. As the teens look around, the four Mokusei-no-Bushis appear, wielding double tonfa and looking ready to fight!

Act 2: As their mysterious opponents bow, the Turtles bow back, and a fight ensues. As the Turtles battle, it seems their opponents are rock solid. Leo lands a blow to one of their heads, but the Mokusei-no-Bushi simply removes the katana sticking in its head and the split instantly heals. The mysterious ninjas are made of wood! Leo grabs the katana and resumes fighting, but the TMNT are taking a beating from their invulnerable foes. One by one, each Turtle is defeated and lying unconscious. The Mokusei-no-Bushis pick up the Turtles and carry them away...

Act 3: Open in the Ninja Tribunal ship below its decks. As the Turtles awaken, they find themselves in an ornate chamber. The young ninjas exit the unlocked room and find their weapons floating above a table. The TMNT grab their respective arms and notice four other floating weapons. Four humans enter, groggy and confused much like the Turtles. As the groups introduce themselves, they decide to look around. They enter another chamber and realize the door they just came in has disappeared! One of the humans smashes a hole in the wall and everyone walks through - and then the hole repairs itself! Now in a hallway, the confused warriors find a set of double doors in front of them. As the group walks through the doors, they find themselves in a sanctuary, with many Mokusei-no-Bushi lined along the walls. In front of them are five thrones, four of which are filled with beings wearing Shredder armor! The four Shredders inform our heroes that a great evil is coming and that they must all be judged to determine if they are worthy to defend the Earth. This judgment will be determined by the two groups facing off against each other in combat!

Act 4: As the Shredder-clad Ninja Tribunal commands the two groups to fight, the Turtles and humans decide that they would rather fight the Shredders. But as they approach, the Mokusei-no-Bushis leap from the sidelines. The eight heroes battle the wooden ninjas, but it's clear there is no way to win. Soon, all eight are on the ground and at bay to the Mokusei-no-Bushis. The Tribunal proclaims that they have all passed the first judgment by battling invulnerable foes rather than fight one another.

Cut to the New York City city rooftops where Splinter and the Ancient One search for clues. As they realize the Turtles have indeed been taken by the Mokusei-no-Bushis, Splinter orders the Ancient One to take him to the Ninja Tribunal.

The Turtles and humans are now on the deck of the Ninja Tribunal ship, where they discover that their journey has taken them to Japan...

NOTE: The fifth season was originally planned to be a continuation of the "Ninja Tribunal" story before the "Fast Forward" direction change was implemented - hence the unfortunate cliffhanger at the end of season four. The good news is, "The Ninja Tribunal" story line was completed - the bad news is, it apparently won't be airing on television in the USA.

4Kids Home Video planned to release the entire "Ninja Tribunal" story arc on DVD worldwide in early 2007, but changed their minds and only released the DVD set for Region 4 territories (Australia and New Zealand). Hopefully 4Kids will release these episodes for North America and Europe at some point in the future.

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Последний раз редактировалось Casey; 04.09.2017 в 18:25.
10.08.2009, 21:43
Это закрывающая серия 4 сезона, переходной мостик к 5-ому.
Так очень часто делают в сериалах.
18.08.2009, 14:03
Смотрела сегодня в очередной раз эту серию и у меня возник вокрос: А зачем такому всемогущему трибуналу аколиты понадобились? Могли бы и сами со Шредором разобраться.
05.12.2010, 19:36

  Сообщение от Светлана 

Смотрела сегодня в очередной раз эту серию и у меня возник вокрос: А зачем такому всемогущему трибуналу аколиты понадобились? Могли бы и сами со Шредором разобраться.

Может они постарели ??!
06.12.2010, 06:32

  Сообщение от Krang 

Это закрывающая серия 4 сезона, переходной мостик к 5-ому.
Так очень часто делают в сериалах.

А в последнем сезоне наоборот было
06.12.2010, 12:51
Кто знаешь будет ли 5 сезон в озвучке (те кто озвучивали 3,4,6 сезоны) ?
25.05.2011, 15:24
Спасибо за пост (1) от: Ch'rell
14.10.2011, 18:50
palblog :: Blast from the Past #319: August 5, 2004: comments on Ep. 86 second draft, and August 6, 2004: comments on rest of season 4 story arc :: 14.10.2011 18:41

Ep. 104

1.) Re: the following:

"They snatch the artifact from its ornate crystal chamber and hold it aloft. “Fools! You are fools! I will destroy you all!” Shredder/Karai charges them, but, with the crystal now in hand, the Turtles begin to glow. They vanish, and Karai‘s claws slash at nothing but air."

I know we haven't really established anything about the artifact except that Karai uses it to control the Mystics, so it COULD have this teleportation power -- but it seems like a cheat to me. I'd rather see something a little more clever in the way that the Turtles get away with it.
Also, given that we have a surfeit of crystals in this show, could we make this artifact something else? Like some kind of metal, or stone, or even wood?

2.) Re: the following:

"The Turtles re-materialize back at Bishop’s. Before Bishop allows them to see Donatello, he insists that they hand over the artifact. Reluctantly, they do so, knowing deep down inside that they’re going to live to regret this whole episode. “Thanks to your presence, this base of operations has been compromised. You have precisely 15 minutes to collect your brother and vacate the premises. Pleasure doing business with you.” Bishop activates a countdown and exits via a hydraulic elevator shaft that takes him below ground."

I know this is a VERY early stage, and much will change, but Bishop's warning the Turtles about the impending destruction of that facility seems a bit off. I mean, why would he care? He hates the Turtles.

-- Pete


оригинальная запись в блоге


All TMNT-related images © Mirage Studios unless otherwise noted. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles® is a registered trademark of Mirage Studios; all rights reserved.

Последний раз редактировалось Павел; 03.11.2012 в 11:24. Причина: лишнее
24.12.2011, 19:21
palblog :: Blast from the Past #345: November 12, 2004: comment on Ep. 102 ("Good Genes" Part 1) outline and comments on Ep. 104 ("Ninja Tribunal") premise, November 13, 2004: comments on Ep. 103 ("Go

Subj: comments on Ep. 104 ("Ninja Tribunal") premise
Date: Friday, November 12, 2004 6:13:24 PM
From: Peter Laird
To: Lloyd Goldfine


Here are my comments on the Ep. 104 premise.

1.) Re: the following:

"Three wise men are seated at this table (the Ninja Tribunal)."

I think we discussed the idea that the Tribunal would consist of four members (originally five until the original Shredder betrayed and left the group). I think we should avoid three given that the Utrom council was also a three-member group.

2.) Re: the following:

"Pulling a fast one, Leo makes as if he is resigned and is going to take his assigned seat, but at the last minute he spins around and flips one of the big Ninjas through the air.

This has a domino effect, with all five Ninjas falling upon one another. In the narrow space of the corridor they cannot easily recover."

And then the mysterious ninjas reveal themselves to be the Three (Five?) Stooges! This has to be one of the most ridiculous bits of action I've ever read. I mean, these are the guys who almost casually defeated the Turtles on the rooftop in the previous scene... and now they're falling over like dominos?

3.) Re: the following:

"A familiar voice calls out to them to stand down. It is the Ancient One. He is with Master Splinter!

“Master Splinter, what is going on here?”

Splinter: “Perhaps I should let my master explain.”"

SInce when is the Ancient One Splinter's "master"?

4.) Pretty much all of the back story of the Tribunal as laid out here contradicts what you and I talked about this week, Lloyd, so I won't go into it, and I'll assume that most if not all of this stuff is going to be changed.

-- Pete

Последний раз редактировалось Павел; 15.10.2012 в 19:49. Причина: лишнее
31.12.2011, 21:30
palblog :: Blast from the Past #347: November 23, 2004: comments on Ep. 102 ("Good Genes, Part 1"), Ep. 104 ("Ninja Tribunal") outline, and , Ep. 101 ("Adventures in Turtle Sitting") second draft :: 3

Subj: Ep. 104 ("Ninja Tribunal") outline
Date: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 11:46:17 AM
From: Peter Laird
To: Lloyd Goldfine


Here are my comments on the Ep. 104 outline.

1.) Re: the following:

"(NOTE: these four are four other prospects for the Tribunal. I thought it might be fun to have them from different disciplines:"

"Prospects for the Tribunal"? What does this mean, exactly? I suppose I should read on... maybe it will become clear.

2.) Re: the following:

"TANG SOO BULLY - The big bully white guy could be a Tang Soo Do “master” and be all worried about being a triple belted black belt. He’s that typical, pain in the ass American who knows nothing of true martial arts and only understands the American bastardized version."

Isn't that a lovely little bit of bigotry? And if this guy is such an obvious asshole, why the hell did the Tribunal choose him? Are they really such poor judges of character?

3.) Re: the following:

"The Ancient One hems and haws a little: “I … uh … it seems … well the Tribunal … it was just a little grandfatherly bragging about the turtles and that interested the Tribunal. I tried to plead with the Tribunal … but they …”"

Okay, I'm totally confused now.

-- Pete

Последний раз редактировалось Павел; 17.10.2012 в 22:15. Причина: лишнее
02.01.2012, 21:30
palblog :: Blast from the Past #348: December 7, 2004: comments on Ep. 102 final, and December 8, 2004: comments on Ep. 104 first draft :: 02.01.2012 21:27

Subj: comments on Ep. 104 first draft
Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2004 1:24:37 PM
From: Peter Laird
To: Lloyd Goldfine


Here are my comments on the Ep. 104 first draft.

1.) Re: the following:

"MASTER SPLINTER kneels in meditation. Suddenly, his eyes open and he smiles …
WIDER AS – THE ANCIENT ONE hurriedly the door to Master Splinter’s room (new room).
Ah, Ancient One, this is indeed a pleasant surprise."

Splinter seems pretty blase about the sudden and unexpected appearance of the Ancient One in the Turtles' supposedly secret lair. Isn't this a REALLY unusual occurrence?
Also -- unless I'm mistaken -- the Ancient One has never (prior to this scene) been in the Turtles' new lair. So obviously, he was able to find the lair through some special technique or knowledge or skill, probably mystical in nature. If so, why then does he not go DIRECTLY to the Turtles where they are out exercising? Why stop at the lair first?

2.) Re: the following:

Here, take Leo. I’m too young and handsome to be eaten.
Women and children and bonehead’s first."

To me, Raph's attempt at a joke just falls completely flat. (Plus there should be no apostrophe in "boneheads".) I would take it out.

3.) I love the idea that these sentinels are made of wood, and look (under their armor) like muscular versions of those articulated artists' models. Cool!
While reading the section where the Turtles battle the Sentinels on the rooftop, it occurred to me that, when they realize that these strangely resilient foes are in fact made of wood, it might be fun for them to briefly consider -- seriously and/or in jest -- how they might defeat a wooden adversary. Obviously fire would be one possible option. Termites? Dry rot? Sandpaper?

4.) Re: the following:

Raph? Leonardo?!"

Why does Don use Leo's full name here, but not Raphael's? Seems odd. I think under these circumstances he'd say "Leo".

5.) Re: the following:

Ooo-kay. Freaky weirdness, anyone?"

This might work better if we add one word:

Ooo-kay. More freaky weirdness, anyone?"

6.) Re: the following:

Some wooden mannequin guys with tonfa knocked the snot out of us and we woke up here.
The four humans share a look … maybe these are the enemy. The mood softens … they lower their weapons …
Who are you?"

A couple of things here. First, "maybe these are the enemy" -- I'm assuming the "these" refers to the Sentinels, not the Turtles...? The grammar's a little weak.
Second, it might be fun if -- right after Ken says "Who are you?" -- one of the other humans says (more softly, perhaps almost muttering) "WHAT are you?" I suggest this because they seem to take the appearance of four humanoid Turtles in stride.

7.) Re: the following:

"PUSH IN DRAMATICALLY on the FOUR SHREDDERS as they stand! (NOTE: This is THE NINJA TRIBUNAL all dressed in their Shredder Armor. They are differentiated for the moment by: BLUE EYES, GREEN EYES, SILVER EYES and YELLOW EYES)."

No problem with the eyes, but I'm wondering if we should go a little further with color differences among the various Shredders. If this were CGI, it would be cool to make each set of armor a different chrome color, but that might be problematic with cel animation. So maybe there could be different colored waist sashes or something. Or whatever cloth pieces there are in the basic Shredder outfit could be colored differently for each.

8.) Re: the following:

What are we going to do, Leo? This doesn’t look good."

Don saying "What are we going to do, Leo?" makes him sound kind of lame. I'd take that out and just leave the "This doesn't look good."

9.) Re: the following:

"The turtles are unsure … but lower their weapons. They are joined by the four humans who move forward also lowering their weapons.
Where are we?!
Just what the shell is going on here?!"

Didn't Raph say almost exactly the same thing about eight lines earlier? I think this should be rephrased.

10.) Re: the following:

… and now sail towards an important destiny."

Should that be "toward" (no "s")?

11.) Re: the following:

… if you call of your wooden dogs!"

I think that should be "off", not "of".

12.) Re: the following:

With much to think about, the four turtles and the four humans are on deck leaning on the gunwales of the ship looking forward to the approaching horizon of clouds as the ship is enter it. A wall of thick fog and mist envelops the boat …
Well, there are a couple ways to look at this.
We can fight … or run …
I don’t like runnin’!"

I think a line would be appropriate here that touches on the fact that there really isn't anywhere TO run -- I mean, they're on a boat in the middle of the ocean!

13.) I think we need to come up with a good reason why the Tribunal needs the Turtles and the four humans as fighters, when the Sentinels themselves are so good (I mean, haven't they kicked Turtle ass TWICE in this episode?).

-- Pete


оригинальная запись в блоге


All TMNT-related images © Mirage Studios unless otherwise noted. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles® is a registered trademark of Mirage Studios; all rights reserved.

Последний раз редактировалось Павел; 18.10.2012 в 16:08. Причина: лишнее
04.01.2012, 19:40
palblog :: Blast from the Past #349: December 13, 2004: comments on Ep. 103 ("Good Genes" part 2) "final" and notes on Ep. 104 ("Ninja Tribunal")second draft :: 04.01.2012 19:30

Subj: notes on Ep. 104 ("Ninja Tribunal") second draft
Date: Monday, December 13, 2004 3:05:33 PM
From: Peter Laird
To: Lloyd Goldfine


Here are my comments on the Ep. 104 second draft.

1.) Re: the following:

Women and children and bonehead’s first."

This line is just as dumb and poorly punctuated as it was in the first draft. As I suggested in my last notes, let's lose it.

2.) Re: the following:

You guys feel that … or a vibration …?
…like electricity or something …
… or a vibration …"

I think the "or a vibration" phrase in Don's line is a mistake, seeing as grammatically it makes little sense, and Leo ALSO says it.

3.) Re: the following:

"DOWN ANGLE ON – DONATELLO’S FACE as his eyes open and he sits up with a start …
Raph? Leonardo?!"

As I commented in my previous notes: "Why does Don use Leo's full name here, but not Raphael's? Seems odd. I think under these circumstances he'd say "Leo"."

4.) Re: the following:

"WIDER TO INCLUDE - The turtles stare at the now open door.
Ooo-kay. Freaky weirdness, anyone?"

As I commented in my previous notes: "This might work better if we add one word:

Ooo-kay. More freaky weirdness, anyone?""

5.) Re: the following:

Who are you?"

As I commented in my previous notes: "It might be fun if -- right after Ken says "Who are you?" -- one of the other humans says (more softly, perhaps almost muttering) "WHAT are you?" I suggest this because they seem to take the appearance of four humanoid Turtles in stride."

6.) Re: the following:

"*PUSH IN DRAMATICALLY on the FOUR SHREDDERS as they stand! (NOTE: This is THE NINJA TRIBUNAL all dressed in their Shredder Armor. They are differentiated for the moment by: BLUE EYES, GREEN EYES, SILVER EYES and YELLOW EYES). They wear long, flowing cloaks with velvet-lined cowls (thrown back)."

There is something really visually silly about people in armor -- with armored Shredder-style helmets -- wearing "flowing cloaks with velvet-lined cowls". Why on Earth would they need COWLS?

7.) Re: the following:

What are we going to do, Leo? This doesn’t look good."

As I commented in my previous notes: "Don saying "What are we going to do, Leo?" makes him sound kind of lame. I'd take that out and just leave the "This doesn't look good.""

8.) Re: the following:

I agree. If we are going down …
Let’s go down swinging! "

I'm not entirely sure why, but Leo's use of the word "swinging" here seems really funny to me. I think another word or phrase would be better -- "fighting" or "in battle". I also question the use of the phrase "Let's go down" -- given that Ken uses "going down" in the previous line, it seems a bit repetitive. I would suggest changing Leo's line as follows:

Let's fall in battle! "

-- Pete


оригинальная запись в блоге


All TMNT-related images © Mirage Studios unless otherwise noted. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles® is a registered trademark of Mirage Studios; all rights reserved.

Последний раз редактировалось Павел; 18.10.2012 в 16:11. Причина: лишнее
08.01.2012, 19:10
palblog :: Blast from the Past #350: December 21, 2004: Re: Rough designs for show 104; December 29, 2004: Ep. 105 outline; January 3, 2005: Revised outline 106 :: 08.01.2012 19:02

Subj: Re: Rough designs for show 104
Date: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 8:10:48 PM
From: Peter Laird
To: Jonathan

In a message dated 12/21/04 12:50:50 PM, Jonathan writes:


I like all three of these sketches. I was wondering if we should try to do something with the Shredder helmet to differentiate each one, and one simple thing might be to give each one a different number of "spikes" on top of the helmets. In other words, our evil "original" Shredder would have the classic three spikes, but the other four Tribunal Shredders would have one, two, four and five spikes respectively. It might work!

-- Peter

Последний раз редактировалось Павел; 19.10.2012 в 21:48. Причина: лишнее
10.01.2012, 18:40
palblog :: Blast from the Past #351: January 6, 2005: Re: First Draft of 105 ("Lap of the Gods"), Re: FW: Outline 107 ("Legend of the Five Dragons"), and Re: Design for show 104 ("Ninja Tribunal") ::

Subj: Re: Design for show 104 ("Ninja Tribunal")
Date: Thursday, January 6, 2005 9:47:42 PM
From: Peter Laird
To: Jonathan

In a message dated 1/6/05 4:15:35 PM, Jonathan writes:


Happy New Year!

Attached is the following design for your approval from show 104:

1. Tribunal Ship

If you could reply with your feedback it would be greatly appreciated. A fax with this image is soon to follow.

Thank you, Peter.



It looks pretty good to me. My only area of concern, from a logical point of view, is the area near the prow of the ship where the dragon's neck arches down -- it seems like a spot where water could easily slop over the edge of the ship when it is on the ocean. I have attached a quick tweak of the image to show an idea of how that area might be altered to keep the waves off the deck.

-- Peter


оригинальная запись в блоге


All TMNT-related images © Mirage Studios unless otherwise noted. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles® is a registered trademark of Mirage Studios; all rights reserved.

Последний раз редактировалось Павел; 19.10.2012 в 21:48. Причина: лишнее
Спасибо за пост (1) от: aleksnnov
05.02.2012, 13:34

  Сообщение от SULTAN 

Может они постарели ??!

Любят они халявить

  Сообщение от траксимус 

Точно. Они ушли на пенсию.

На халявную пенсию
10.12.2013, 10:50
Черепах отделали под орех, привезли в странное место, после чего все стало еще страннее, появилось еще четверо похищенных людей, но потом вдруг... та-дам! Четыре Шреддера! Просто я сначала и правда подумал, что это какие то Шреддеры, но потом по стечению обстоятельств серии разобрался, что к чему. Но в общем серия неплоха как начало к пятому сезону, но чего не хватило, может сюжета, поэтому поставлю 4/5.
06.10.2015, 23:43
Вот мне самым интересным показался момент, что по моему чн ВПЕРВЫЕ встретили именно честных противников ( «эй, а они дерутся не так как футы») если кто то из чн ронял оружие то они давали подобрать Разве у них еще были такие добрые противники блин
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